Paypal Payment
PayPal is the recommended payment method. When you checkout with PayPal you will be redirected to the PayPal payment page, where you have two options:
1. If you already have a PayPal account, you can log in using your email or mobile number to confirm your payment.
2. If you do not have a PayPal account, you can click the “Pay with Credit or Debit Card” button. This will redirect you to a secure page where you can complete your payment via PayPal without creating an account. Please note that PayPal accepts Visa, Discover, American Express, and Maestro debit or credit cards.
Accepted Payments:

– You can easily and securely shop and pay online with your PayPal account.
– We only accept PayPal from selected countries.
– If you are from a selected country, PayPal will automatically show up as a payment option at checkout.
– There may be an exchange loss if the currency of your PayPal account is different from our website’s currency.
– You will be redirected to a third-party credit/debit card payment partner’s website to finish the payment process.